Kitchen Display Systems
Our Kitchen Display System grants greater control in the kitchen by modernizing the way chefs receive orders. Trade messy kitchen tickets for a smooth digital solution that’s intuitive, customizable and simple to use. Kitchen management has never been easier!

Keep track of preparation time
Eats365 Kitchen Display System allows you to keep track of how long orders take to be prepared and cooked. The app registers when orders are fired and when they are bumped, so you can track the time in between. This is a great kitchen aid for monitoring staff efficiency.
Configurable display
Allocate order items instantly, and to the right place, by setting up which kitchen department’s orders should be displayed. It is possible to assign multiple departments to a single display.
Focus on what is important
Items will be indicated with different colors based on how long ago they were placed. This allows for chefs to easily prioritize items and keep control over item preparation times.
Multiple ways to view orders
Let your chefs choose the most convenient way to view order tickets by selecting between waiting time, category, table or by chronological order. Each view type shows individual items that kitchen staff can bump when they are ready to be served.
Bump items
Chefs can directly bump items once they have been prepared. Bumped items can be viewed and recalled anytime, if needed.
Comprehensive order history
Easily view completed orders and recall them if any errors have been made.